Posted on October 31, 2017

It’s the end of October and for some of us who write that can only mean one thing, NaNoWriMo!
National Novel Writers Month, for me, is a fun, seat-of-your-pants time to get those creative writing juices flowing. The goal is to get 50,000 words down on paper in just 30 days. I try to participate every year, and I’ve succeeded at it twice. Hopefully, this will be my third time!
Some writers start completely new projects and see where the muse takes them. For me, it is a time to shed my inner editor and get words on paper for the story I’m currently working on. So, this year, I’m rough drafting chapters for Tomb of the Fallen, the third book in my Soulstone Prophecy series. I find after a few days of this type of writing, some really interesting ideas appear and find their way onto paper. I’m looking forward to seeing what the characters do with this month of freedom.
Though I know where my stories start and have a rough outline of where the story needs to go and where it will eventually end up, I try and leave it up to the characters on how they get there. I also say it is writing that reminds me of running downhill. Editing is put off for the slow walk back up. Wish me luck and if you’re participating this year, then good luck to you, as well!